Wednesday, April 28, 2010

How to get rid of scars caused by your acne?

Is there any way to get rid of scars caused by your acne?|||It depends on the type of acne. Talk to a dermatologist. But what worked for me was tanning. 5 minutes in a tanning bed three times a week took care of most of my acne, especially on the back, chest, and shoulders. my dermatologist prescribed differin gel for my face and it worked to.|||FIRST, get in the habbit of squeezing your acne with your knuckles .. instead of your nails. that way it barely bruises.

SECOND: Put a little dab of cocoa butter on your scars (after you wash your face). and it will clear it right up. Make sure you put it on.. every night. and not too much.. otherwise it will clog your pores.

so this is what you do..

at night, you wash your face.. Put cocoa butter (only) and (directly) on the scars.. you wake up in the morning and wash it off with warm water :-)

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