Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Person with loads of scars, how would you think they got them?

If you saw someone with loads of scars (mainly staright lined and in all different directions but mainly horizontal, some vertical, some diagonal) what would be your first thought? How would you think they got the scars?|||a lot of people are saying Self-inflicted but the scars are straight and horizontal at that.

If the wounds are self inflicted then I don%26#039;t see how the person would have been able to keep his or her hand steady unless they did it fast. And then to create many scars would mean there is a lot blood loss when nobody is around. This is very dangerous for obvious reasons.

So I don%26#039;t believe it was self-inflicted

Cat and Dogs would cut you in a way that%26#039;s mainly diagonal, so I wouldn%26#039;t think it%26#039;s an animal.

Now a knife opponent would cut people in straight horizontal lines, this makes the most sense to me

I would assume that the person was recently in a knife fight or went up against an opponent who was carrying a bladed weapon of somekind and like to strike horizontally.|||It would scare me at first. Why the scars and why so many?

It%26#039;s self harm as some of the users have stated. It%26#039;s more than just self-harm. It%26#039;s also reassurance, but for what exactly?

Scars also represents pain and sorrow. The person couldn%26#039;t talk about it, but just keeps scarring themselves with some sharp object to calm themselves down.

It%26#039;s also a sign of attention. The person needs help for assurance.|||depends where, if it is on the front it is possible that it is self harm, maybe even torture. if it is on the back than it is more likely to be torture, or abuse or whatever. but it sounds like if anyone was doing it is just doing straight lines, possibly across each other , showing self loathing and a lot of boredom.|||Self harm? Dunno - I%26#039;d have to see them in person.

I have a massive scar on the inside of my wrist which looks like a suicide attempt but it was actually a really deep cat scratch. I forget it%26#039;s there but I often see people staring!|||They could of done it themselves, however i am absolutely covered in scars all from machinery at work over many years.|||Maybe they have a cat? I have a cat and it scratches me all the time.|||maybe an animal mauled them..|||that is an interesting question.... self harm is the only one i can think of...|||self harm would be my 1st guess.

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