Wednesday, April 28, 2010

What are some good products/ things that get rid of scars?

i know bio-oil, but it takes three months to even start showing a little improvement... I had this cream that peeled skin and made it softer and better, and in only a month, the scars started looking better, but I got it in a prescription, and I don%26#039;t want to have to keep going back for a prescription.... is there anything like that?|||pure local it from a farmers market or local bee farmer. I found a bee farmer on craiglist and got it for $5 a bottle. Then I got gauze and medical tape from walmart for less than $5.

At night, I put a layer of honey to the gauze and taped it to my leg. In the morning I washed it and repeated the honey application at night. Within 2 days one scar is completely gone and the other is almost gone and the redness of it is gone.

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