Wednesday, December 30, 2009

How do I remove acne scars?

Tittle says it all.

%26amp; How long will it take for the scars to disappear?

Thanks in advanced.|||The most talked about and popular treatment for these acne scars is laser resurfacing. During the treatment, the intense beams of focused light target skin layers rid unwanted cells. Lasers eliminate acne scars as they exfoliate layers of skin, revealing the newer, clearer skin underneath. Laser resurfacing can improve the appearance of the acne scars by about 30 - 40 %. However after the laser treatment, a longer time is required for the healing from the redness, swelling or flaking. Meticulous care of the wound is required to prevent secondary bacterial and viral infection that may cause further scarring.|||Removing scars is very hard, especially if you have had them for a long time.

But it can be done you just need to perservere.

You need to be exfoliating the area with a good quality exfoliator ( i recommend Modern Friction By Origins) Its pricey though but worth it.

Exfoliate once or twice a week.

You can then apply either lemon juice to your face on some cotton wool. Twice daily.

After applying the juice, you should rub in either Rosehip Oil, Or Bio-Oil. Both are used to fade scars and will only work if you keep on at it.

Nothing is an easy fix for scars but keep applying the oil twice daily, once in the morning and once before bed. Keep doing it for at least 2 months before really thinking if its worked or not.|||Vitamin E prevents acne or pimple scarring and can also be used to fade old scars. Use cucumber or other fruit and vegetable packs to cure pimple scars. More such solutions at|||put Lemon juice.. not if you have pimples CUX its going to burn..but if you only have scars it works|||get a cheese grater and grate that face!!

In the movie The Dark Knight, how did the Joker get his scars for real?

The Joker tells two conflicting stories about how he got his scars(one had his father doing the carving, the other he did to himself for his wife). So is there a real reason for his scars? Maybe from the comics?|||The Joker never had scars in any comic book stories, although he might gain some now for the benefit of new readers. For the record, the version of the Joker featured in %26quot;The Dark Knight%26quot; has very little to do with the original character, and I find it hard to recognize the character Ledger played as the Joker, but because so many people are now familiar with the character, we%26#039;re stuck with him. The point of Ledger%26#039;s Joker telling contradictory accounts of how he became scarred was to show that he is a pathological liar. We%26#039;ll likely never know how he was scarred, but I sincerely doubt there was any truth in either version he told. Some things are not meant to be revealed.|||We don%26#039;t know for sure... the object of the stories was to tell us that he took the pain for a reason. And that it benefited the person that it referred too.

He%26#039;s the Joker... which is amazing! Although is character is very strong and overwhelming. Heath Ledger had to go through major ordeals with that role. He lived in a hotel room for a month, alone.. learning the part of the Joker. Nuts! Theres more behind it, but that%26#039;d take forever, b/c i love Batman and i know a little too much about everything in the movie industry. Cheers!|||The joker is confused about his own life.

The comic book writer said that the joker was so sane that he got bored with his life and decided to spice it up. So his story always changes. He doesn%26#039;t even remember how he got them.|||did u mean scar in his mouth,hes cutting by himself so he can smile all the time(gees that%26#039;s bad hes crazy) you know joker live was ruined parents leave him his wive leave him and people don%26#039;t like his joke so he turned crazy after all|||It doesnt say, if u watch the batman with jack nicholson in he doesnt even have scars like that|||good question

What works better on acne scars?

I have heard everything.

The choices i have limited it down to are Cocoa Butter, Maderma, and Bio Oil. Those are the only ones i can afford that i know where to get them and such.

How long will it take each of these to work? what would be the best?|||dont use any chemical creams. just go to sauna everyweek and they will all will be gone, trust me . im waiting for thimbs up

Is a stem cell acne treatment effective and safe in removing pimple scars?

Hi, I%26#039;m interested in removing my pimple scars and even out my skin tone. The dermatologist said that the most viable solution right now is to use stem cells in order to remove my pimple scars by 60 to 80%. I was wondering, is it safe and is it effective and has anyone here tried it? The dermatologist said it would cause redness at first.|||There are a number of medications; creams and acne blemish treatments that can be used to reduce the appearance of acne scars.Log on to for a few home made tips to heal acne .

How to get rid of scars or at least minimize the look?

i had surgery about a month ago. i have 3 scars on my stomach. 2 small ones and a big one. i wanna keep the big one, looks like a smiley face and reminds me what i had to go through so i visit my doctor regularly. anyway what kind of creams out there would u recommend to make the small ones less noticable?|||CONTRACTUBEX would help but you have to start using it straight away and over a long period before you see any results. It is a good cream and it is recommended for surgery scars. If this doesn%26#039;t work, SMALL scars may be removed with CRYOTHERAPY. Go and see a dermatologist for advice.|||A number of home remedies have been proposed for making scars go away. Some involve potato peels, others aloe, but most advocate some kind of oil (usually Vitamin E) rubbed into the scar. However, a skeptic of these treatments has pointed out that massaging a scar several times a day breaks down fibrous materials and makes it go away faster. Using any kind of oil acts as a lubricant to make the massage more effective.|||Try CONTRACUBEX. can be bought from the drug store... specially formulated for scars particularly from surgery...|||Mederma But it%26#039;s pretty expensive though.

You might also want to try BioOil and Vitamin E oil|||go to the skin Doc..It might be too early to fix.but have them check it out.................

Does anyone know any effective ways to get rid of acne scars/pigmentations whatever you want to call them?

Creams? Home remedies?...|||MY SON WENT TO THE DOCTOR AND SHE PUT HIM ON MEDICINE FOR HIS ACNE BUT THE NEUTROGENA CLEANSING PADS WORK REALLY GOOD|||proactive! The answer to all of your blemishes.|||there are some over the conter remedies in the local drug stores [QVC] (creams). I don%26#039;t know how effective these are, you might want to ask the pharmacist which one he would recommend, as pharmacists know just as much or more than some doctors. I hope this helps!|||There is no real way to get rid of acne but to at least control it use proactive, drink alot of water! For scars or pigmentation try talking with a dermotologist about microdermabrasion treatments. Hope this helps!

I have really bad scars from acne, any ideas on how to get rid of or reduce?

Its really becoming quite depressing, although the acne has pretty much gone, the scars remain, they are very dark blemishes and just wondered if anybody had any advice on how to reduce or get rid of the marks? Somebody mentioned aloe vera gel or fade out creams, is that any good? Thanks alot.|||The only way to eliminate really bad acne scars is by dermabrasion, derma-peel or laser. Creams do nothing for scars.|||i have exactly your answer! Go your doctor.. and get them to transfer you to a dermentologist.. and ask them if you can see a camoflarge nurse. A cam%26#039; nurse is someone who can perscribe a medical sort of foundation.. which matches exactly your give tone. Or they may let you have cosmetic surgery.. but if the acne marks are in the skin/on the surface they wont because it will still leave a mark afterwards|||Check with a dermatologist or plastic surgeon for laser..i don%26#039;t know where you live, but in Dallas Texas they UT Southwestern plastic surgery school that does everything..don%26#039;t let a dermatologist talk you into a deep acid peel if you have pock marks and scars, just go for the laser, not that around...deb|||i m wondering would laser treatment work for the scars. i know this is an expensive option but i think it would be worth it especially if it is really getting you down. good luck, dont lose heart, there has to be something for it out there.|||I%26#039;ve heard about a product called Mederma that is supposed to fade out scars. At least give it a try! Good luck %26amp; don%26#039;t worry so much about it - it%26#039;s what%26#039;s on your inside that%26#039;s much more important!!!|||I got a guide which cures acne in 3 days.

please contact me to get it|||SOAK IN HOT WATER. AND TRY ALCOHOL PADZ.

((SKULL-BABii))|||Vitamin E is supposed to reduce scarring.|||put lemon slices or tomato slices on the scars and lie down, wait 12 hours then the scars should look less visible|||OK THIS MIGHT SOUND DUMB BUT IF YOU GO 2 THE BEACH AND GO SWIMMING IN THE SALT WATER THAT WILL HELP|||dermetologist laser stuff|||Skin peeling.|||go and talk to a dermitologist about it. i personly don%26#039;t know how to get rid of them|||Try skin cremes.|||put neosporn (knee O sporn) on them. It helps!

How can i hide scars on my wrists for college?

any ideas?

and we arnt supposed to wear jewelry,what stuff do you think i might get away with wearing?

dont be a hater,whats done is done.|||What sort of college course is it?

If its food... You can%26#039;t really get away with anything. Bandages won%26#039;t work, and makeup is unsanitary.

Sports bandages are quite good, the ones used for sprained wrists. Tube..something. Most people don%26#039;t ask about those. If they do, say you have serious excema or something and its gross.

Dermablend does work, but it is quite expensive and takes alot of practice to get right, and won%26#039;t work on raised scars.|||Long sleeves. I mean unless you can get away with a few bracelets then that is all I can think of. If you are really hot then wait until you get to class to take it of, then kind of keep your arm in your lap. Sit by the wall not in the middle so you can just turn your wrist that way without people staring.

In gym you can use those things that are meant for sweating...

Hope I helped.

Good Luck!|||You can wear sweatbands, I wouldn%26#039;t really count it as jewellery.鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

Makeup (concealer) may work but it would rub off easily. :/|||a good way is to use vitamin e pills. the ones with the gel inside. after a shower poke a hole in the capsole and just rub the oil on them. you have to stay consistent with this. i say about 2 or 3 times a day.

they also work for stretch marks|||i have a scar on my arm it starts on my wrist its like two inches and 1/2

it sucks

im embarrased

i feell like im teh only one :(

i wear long sleeves at work all teh time even durin summer

i try to hide it with bracelets didnt work for meh|||wear a wrist bandage/support and if the teachers ask you to take it off, tell them that the doctor told you to wear it because you%26#039;ve got a weak ankle/ sprained it or whatever..|||to hide the scars go to smart this product is not for old people it jus hides scars dramatically. for jewlery you should wear studs that are a little small noone would eva notice.|||For when it%26#039;s hot you could by one of those sexy leather wrist bands from hot topic or something to go on your wrist. When it%26#039;s cold just wear long sleeves or jackets.|||Wear long sleeves if it%26#039;s not too hot. You could try using scar removal creams or something like Bio oil. I use Bio oil on my scars and it really works. Hope that helps =)

xo|||don%26#039;t cut yourself?

that might work|||so glad you stopped!! have you tried scar removal cream?, if not try that.

What is the best product to use to get rid of scars on faces?

like those pimple marks|||I%26#039;m in my 40%26#039;s and had scars from my youth, I fought and lost the acne wars, LOL! I found two (2) things have helped me dramatically with my scars.

First of all, I started using a moisturizer a couple of years ago that is made by Avon and supposedly has some gold in it. I%26#039;m currently out of it or I%26#039;d give you the name. I guess I need to call my Avon rep and get some more.

Secondly, I started taking several nutritional supplements that are supposedly good for our skin: Biotin (a form of vitamin b specially good for hair and skin); Hyaluronic Acid; and vitamin c.

People seemed to see the biggest difference after I started the Hyaluronic Acid, 50 mg. pills but I take 4 a day.

How can i get scars on my profile?

i have a myspace and im tryin to add the sing scars to go with my profile but i cant find the song anymore by paparoach.

i went to all the papa roach profiles but none have the song .

can anybody tell me someone they know that has scars on their profile? thnx alot!|||if you can%26#039;t find it theres a good chance that they requested it be taken off myspace and myspaces new copywrite infringement programs deleted it from all files .|||make a papa roach profile and add the song, then login to your account and add the song to your profile|||go to project playlist

How to get rid of pimples fast.....and how to make scars from pimples fade?

Ok, i have suffered from acne since i was 10 or 11, i am 13 now. I have been made fun of a few times cuz of my face. I need some help on how to make pimples go away fast, and last. Since tomorrow is Valentine%26#039;s day....i want the big pimples on my face gone. So what are some ways for me to do that?? please help!

Also, i have scar marks on my face from picking pimples. I was wondering how to make those go away. It is bad on the right side of jawbone, and my forehead. please this is getting embarressing....please help.

Also i wear makeup, and it is not helping with me trying to get rid of the stuff on my face, please i really need help.|||apply papaya pulp mixed with pinch of salt and turmeric|||I use crest toothpaste idk why but it helps me. Report Abuse
|||Never ever scrub the area it will spread bacteria and inflame the area more. and do not rub your face with a towel to dry after washing it will possibly spread the bacteria from the acne to the rest of your face. Report Abuse
|||hydrogen peroxide.wirks like a charm drys up the pimple FAST|||make up probably isnt a good idea because it clogs up your pores..try using St. Ive%26#039;s Apricot scrub or benzoyl peroxide creams or the actual benzoyl peroxide. keep your face dry. wash your face twice a day too with a face wash.

i%26#039;m not sure about the scars though|||Find some effective home remedies

for acne and acne scars|||ugh, same thing with me! ive been battling acne for years and have tryed everything under the sun to get rid of it. what i do that works really really well is, well, i pick at them. i know its not good for them but i do. i then wash my face with CETAPHIL. and then i just dab on some Clean and Clear spot treatment cream and its like they INSTANTLY go away. the more you try to cover them, the more visible they are goign to be. and NEVER pick at them before school cause then theyll be inflamed ;)|||Well, it is really hard to make acne go away or fade, especially fast. There are a few things you can try, like a product such as proactiv or chemicals peels. For some thy will work, for others they won%26#039;t. You could try getting your parents to let you go to a dermatologist, who, if other products aren%26#039;t working for you, can perscribe a medicine that keeps oil production down or kills bacteria in your pores. You could also get some other types of treatment from your dermatologist, if he thinks it fit, like laser or heat therapy. These treatments are usually costly and need to be kept up. Perscription medicine could be a little more reasonable.

For your make-up: To make your blemishes insivisble, try to find a good concealer and pat it (DONT rub) onto them. Also, I have heard that using a product that is formulated to reduce eye redness can get rid of a pimple%26#039;s redness. I have never tried it, but have heard it works well.

For your scars-first, STOP picking at the pimples. The only way you can do that and possibly not get a scar is if you only pop whiteheads, and with a pair of tweezers. Even that can lead to scarring in skin that tends to form scar tissue. So stop picking at them first. Then, go to your local pharmacy and find a bottle of pure Vitamin E oil. Every night dab a bit on top of the scars. I%26#039;ve found that it works amazingly. Don%26#039;t worry about getting more pimples from the oil, if you just put it on the scar, I%26#039;ve never had any problems with pimple from it, and my skin is sensitive to getting blemishes.

Lastly, a few blemish prevention tips-

1-Keep your hands off your face. Hands have bacteria and oils on them, two perfect riggers for pimples.

2-If your hair is oily, wash it thoroughly every day and keep it out of your face as much as possible. Sleep with it in a bun.

3-Any creams or other products you use on your face-make sure they anre non-comedogenic, meaning they won%26#039;t clog up pores

4-Don%26#039;t scrub your face when you wash it-this will irritate your acne. Gently massage your face.

5-Take a positive attitude. If you are always acting depressed, that will be even more unattractive than a couple blemishes. Don%26#039;t hide behind hair or hands, first this can cause more acne and second it looks terrible! Much worse than the acne.

Good Luck!

Happy Valentines Day!|||use vitamin b5 treatment for pimple and something like zenmed scar kit for blemishes.|||PROACTIVE and use it everyday, the whole cleasing line! 3steps! it does work, and also sorry about scarring, but i do know every 7 years ur skin sheds and new cells appear helping to change over to new skin, wear spf sun block on ur face to protect it and also, i dont think anything will git rid of it overnight.... avoid drinking pop or high sugar foods and chocolate also dont drink or smoke, wash ur hair often, and dont touch ur face, the oils in ur hands leave it on ur face, and not to mention whatever else is left on ur hands if u havent washed them in awhile.... .goodluck

!|||Personally, I have struggled with acne since I was 13 and I am 17 now. I have also utilized Proactiv but it did not help at all. At first it did but then it just infected my whole face. As a result I decided I needed a dermatologist. So, I suggest you get a dermatogolist because I have no pimple left. From time to time, I get a pimple but most of the time it leaves the next day. For the acne scars, those will fade gradually as you visit the dermatologist for acne treatments such as dermabrasions. As for me, I have been going to Tijuana, Mexico to visit a dermatoglogist every month. He is amazing. I was clear in a month! If you live near mexico, you should try going to him. He seriously is the best dermatologist. I have gone to dermatologist in los angeles but none are good or they charge a lot of money. If you are interested, you shud go to his website:|||check the links below for natural homemade beauty tips to:-- Acne-pimple cure/

Blemishes/Whiteheads/Blackheads/face packs鈥?/a>|||I have been using a great product from Nu Skin. It has been working really well for me this past year. Check out this page, there is a ton of stuff for all kinds of ailments.|||ok, pro active is good to rid off ur pimples. for the scars, go ask your doctor, maybe he%26#039;ll remove your scars by lasers etc... but if ur scared of those, just use ALOE VERA soap,gel or lotion, it helps remove SCARS. Just don%26#039;t pick ur pimples, or if u accendently pop it, clean it den Look for a vitamine E liquid, put it on ur wounds, cuz Vitamine E helps healing your skin without scarring. Put it everytime it dries up.

Jc3|||You have to attack acne where it starts, with your diet. For me, diet was the cause and solution. Topical medications fight the symptoms. Start by eliminating trans fats and eating more fruits and vegetables. Once you start cleaning up the inside of your body, by eating properly, the outside of your body (your skin) will be get cleaned up too. I started a website to document my problem and solution.

You might find it helpful to read my story. Just remember to eat an all natural/organic diet with lots of fruits and vegetables. Stay away from processed foods. Use mild, all natural cleansers and don%26#039;t pick at your face. Get lots of sleep and enough water for your body weight. Remember, clean body = clean skin. God Bless.|||i have only today been told that pro-active is actually not good for your skin as it has bleach (what the?) in it. Pretty silly if you ask me.

St Ives scrub is great, esp if you get the blemish one.

Cetaphil soap is good as it is a neutral ph and is gentle on the skin.

As far as scarring goes, try Bio oil. Its great, non greasy and helps scars fade.

Let you face breathe for a couple of days if you can. If you must use makeup, use a tinted moisturiser|||Hi,

You may think I am NUT for suggesting this, but it works SO well for me that I feel like I should share it. I use Apple Cider Vinegar as a toner (after I wash my face)..use a cotton pad to apply. When that dries (watch out it may sting your eyes, so close them while it dries) apply Milk of Magnesia as a mask. This will dry and you will feel a tightening...I leave it on all night...

AND I also apply a thin layer of it before I put on my makes an amazing primer.

So why might this work.. I think it is because the MOM and the ACV puts your skin at an alkaline PH level..making it impossible for bacterial to exist.

The cool thing about this is MOM and ACV are easy and cheap to get a hold of.

IVE TRIED SO MANY THINGS and spent a lot of money trying to find something that far this has been amazing.|||1. quit picking. no really, QUIT PICKING!

2. wear mineral makeup...Jane Iredale is the best....Bare Minerals is also acceptable. if these aren%26#039;t an option, pick something with light, sheer coverage, not a thick heavy foundation.

3. Nothing is going to heal them overnight. Period. To get rid of redness and swelling temporarily, dot on extra strength Visine a couple of times during the day.

4. Start using a gentle cleanser, Like cetaphil.

5. Once or twice a week, before the cetaphil, use st. ives apricot scrub for acne and blemishes. Scrub vigorously, rinse, and follow with cetaphil. Store brands are fine too.

6. Use a washcloth when you cleanse....buff gently.

6.5 Tone with witch;s gentle, antiseptic, and will pick up any residue the cleanser didn%26#039;t. you can get it at the drug store, and it%26#039;s cheap.

7. Follow with Neutrogena%26#039;s On The Spot Acne Treatment or Mary Kay%26#039;s acne treatment gel. Neutrogena is $4-$5, and the Mary Kay is $7 plus tax. I like the Mary Kay better, and it lasts longer. To use at night, squeeze product along the length of your finger, and spread across your face. Focus on the most inflamed areas, and avoid the outer corners of your eyes, lips, and nose to avoid redness. It will b thick and still wet when you finish. Let it dry b4 you rub against anything. It will bleach fabrics, so sleep in a white t-shirt and use a white pillowcase, etc. For daytime, spread a thin layer across the face and follow with sunblock/makeup.

8. Clean your nasty phone daily.

9. Again, stop picking, squeezing, or even touching your face when you%26#039;re not cleaning or putting on makeup.

10. Wash your nasty hands every chance you get! (If you%26#039;re going to touch your face, (and you are, beacuse it%26#039;s a hard habit to break,) do it with clean hands.)

11. Easy on the hairspray and product that can get on your face and clog your pores.

12. Carry a bottle of water with you all the time...and drink it.|||try Neutragena Rapid Clear face cleanser. I had the same problem as you and i started using it my 9th grade year and within two weeks i seen a difference in my face. it was much much clearer!! i still use the stuff today and i am now in college. it worked for me, so maybe it would work for you as well. it would be worth a try (walmart $6). As far as your scars, im not sure?! you may ask your doctor or dermatologist what they would suggest because you can buy stuff at walmart or other drugstores but they may be a waste of money. good luck!|||PROACTIVE|||HEY FIRSTLY DONT WER MAKEUP BECAUZ SOME PORES CAN BE OPED WITH MAKE AND CREAMS !!! BUT IN ORDER TO CURE UR ACNE FAST IN WHICH I HAV ON MY JAWBONE BUT YOUY HAV TO WASH UR FACE 2 TIME A DAY WITH CIDA A SOAP WICH KILLS BACTERIA AND SMOOTHENES THA SKIN AND APPLY ABIT OF SALACTIC ACID AND RECORCINOL ( IN PFARMACYIES U CAN FIND) AND APPLY IT ON A COTTON BALL I AM WIPE IT AFTER WASHING UR FACE WIPE UR FACE AND AFTER 2 MINS APLLY THA SALCTIC ACID AND RECORCINAL ON THA COTOON BALL AND APPLY TI GENTLY ON UR FACE AND DO THIZ 4 HALF A MONTH AND I GUESS IT WILL GO ALL UR ACNE AND PIMPLES

How to get rid of acne scars within two weeks with natural products?

If you know any natural products that can get rid of blemishes fast, please tell me. If you used this product yourself, please tell me how long you%26#039;ve been using it so I can know if it works fast or not. Thanks! :)|||you can%26#039;t -talk to your dermatologist or plastic surgeon.

I have a break out on my face that leaves me scars and makes it very noticeable what is a good remedy?

I have dark scars that I need to get rid of and need some help in how to get them off my face.|||Don%26#039;t prick the pimple, that causes the scars. Just put benzoyl peroxide on the pimple every night before going to bed. Try to use neutrogena facial wash. Sleep %26amp; eat right.|||Did you ever hear of Proactive from television? It is great.|||Arrr, wear the patch like a pirate, and tell %26#039;em landlubbers %26#039;em scars be from fightin%26#039;!|||hair analysis-

for now balance your pH with apple cider vinagre|||Try natural methods such as Tee Tree Oil and Witch hazel. Mix them together, a few drops of the oil with a bottle of Witch hazel. If you skin is dry, try moisturizing with aloe vera.

What works better on scars, olive oil or Mederma?

Or both?

I have cuts on my arms from self harm, and I know that I can%26#039;t get into the Air Force if I have any history of Depression. I need to get in, it%26#039;s been my dream for so long!

Can you help me decide which would work better? Or if I should use both?|||Mederma and or vitiam B, you can puncture the capsuleand use the liquid inside, worked great for me. I had four inch scar on my face fro m a skin cancer removal, worked great, alos had both shoulders and one knee operated on you can barely find the incision marks|||Mederma deffinatly...but mental disability will still be on your record...srry

Does anyone know of a facial mask you can make at home that will get rid of acne scars?

I just started using the honey and oatmeal mask. Will this eventually get rid of the scaring? Or, is there other masks I can use that are more effective? Thank you in advanced =]|||there are three kinds you can make:

Bay Clay mask

Apple Zinger face masks

Homemade Carrot Face Mask

the instructions are in this website…

ENJOY (:|||I don%26#039;t know about homemade, but there is a topical lotion you can buy at cvs, or walgreens called mederma, and they use onions in the ingredients, worked good on a scar I had from a zit I had and it was almost a year old here is a link for mederma|||I use Mederma and it has helped. You could also try Proactive%26#039;s Skin lightening lotion.|||i use the Neutrogena Advanced Solutions Acne Mark Fading Peel, it gets rid of some of the redness and prevents break outs and evens skin tone. also try a lotion that evens skin tone it will make them less noticeable|||try pool acid.

What is better for scars: Mederma, Bio Oil, or Home Remedies?

What%26#039;s better for new, red, not that deep stretch marks? Mederma, Bio Oil, or some Home Remedy? What works the best at fading, and the fastest at fading? Thanks!!|||After i had my baby i used Bio Oil, its a year later and you can hardly see them. I love this stuff and will always use it!|||Actually I have seen results with mederma as well as with natural products always use in small amount to make shure you will not have a allergic reaction even to natural products there is always a chance there is an allergy.All skins types are all different even if nobody in the family had allergies You might have them and don%26#039;t even be discerning. P.S try it in a small part of you%26#039;re skin.|||Neither. The answer is meditation.

Is mild tanning good for the permanent pitted type of acne scars?

Not the hyperpigmentation kind of scarring, but the more permanent icepick and depressed scars.|||use emu oil or aara root powder with sage tea and honey|||It won%26#039;t help at all, especially not for long-term. If you really want to get rid of it for good, you have got to read this book. http://bambiberg.solution72.hop.clickban鈥?/a> However, if you won%26#039;t actually follow through with what they advise, then don%26#039;t bother wasting your time or money. However, if you are ready to make the changes the suggest, and they arent even that hard, then it will clear you up pretty quickly, and you won%26#039;t have to waste any more money on creams and microderms...|||The safer alternative is light therapy. These are now available for home use.

Blue and red light is good for acne.

There are special lights used by dermatologists for small wrinkles and scars.

do a search for light therapy/ skin|||My son says it is not good.|||no. they are suceptible to cancer.

Does the Neutrogena acne peel really diminish the appearance of acne scars and dark marks on the face?

I have acne scars and dark marks all over my face would the Neutrogena acne peel get rid of them?|||tried it no!! it does not work!! neutrogena does not work the way they claim it to work! try bio oil. it is for scars and stretch marks. it is hard to find but you can go to and order it or go to a walgreens near you and get it! good luck!

How to get rid of piercing scars?

Ive had my hips piereced in the past.. dont lecture me on the situation.

Basically ive got scars and ive tried bio oil but it hasnt worked.. has anyone got any ideas of good scar healing cream??

Thankyou for those who help!|||vitimin E cream or oils :)|||I have been using organic thanakha for pimple scars. I am not sure if this can help. You can visit and for more details.|||bio oil= homeopathic= almost never works.

get a scar cream from your local store (they are sold generically), which is typically just a vitamin lotion.... The scars will not go away, and probably will not look that better. The only real fix is plastic surgeory|||Within time it should heal, but yea, you should use some types of oinments to speed up the prosess. I am sure if you go to a tattoo or piercing shop, they might have some special lubricants or some herbal oil. Good luck|||Neosporin is clinically proven to heal scars. I have heard that some people will even use it on old scars and to some degree it is effective.

Until then... MAKEUP!|||in time it will go away on its own you can try vitamin e cream|||Use Mederma or use Vitamin E (straight from the capsules - will be sticky, but sure does work).|||seellin dooope, serrrviin weeed, weee had to hustle to hustle, just to eeaat|||makeup... or... piercing it again lol

What can I do about acne scars?

I have had a few pimples this year, and I have a couple of small scars from them. They are like a crimson to a pink color. How can I make them fade, or make them go away for good?|||Depends on how old they takes up to six months to go back to its normal appearance and strength. Give them time if they are less than six months old. If they are more than six months old, Oil of Olay has a moisturizer that can help fade dark spots.|||Its Called Mederma|||You can cover them with a good concealer. Some acne scars stay forever. There are proceedures for treating them, such as dermabrasion or laser resurfacing. If the scars really bother you see a plastic surgeon. They can really do wonders, and it%26#039;s not as expensive as you think.|||Bio oil or rose hip oil is great for fading scars!|||Exfoliation helps speed it up. Manual exfoliation, glycolic acids or alpha hydroxy acids. You can use baking soda as a manual exfoliater. Though it is drying for some people. A facial brush...|||if u take a vitamin e pill, cut it open and expose the liquid inside, put some of the liquid on ur scars. I always do this...ive heard it helps take them away a little faster

I was bitten on my forearm by someone I know when I was younger; how can I get rid of the scars?

I had a fight with someone I know when I was younger, and I now have these horrible yellow-white scars on my forearm. I thought they would fade in time, but it%26#039;s been five years and they%26#039;re still really bad. What can I use to get rid of them, or at least minimise them? They look disgusting.

Thank you very much for your time.|||try perferon ,scarfade,mederma


Does Bio-oil really work on scars and stretchmarks?

I decided I%26#039;d try one last product and I thought this sounded good. If not, what do you suggest?

Love Ya|||, probably not. Stretchmarks are tears in the dermis - the underlayer of the skin. Nothing can repair it.

How do I get rid of scars?

I used to cut and now I have scars all over my body. It%26#039;s going to be spring soon and I want to wear a bikini to the pool for the first time in almost two years.

How can I get rid of my scars? I%26#039;ve quit cutting about 2 months ago so, some are newer than others. I have a few that are over a year old.

Help?|||vitamin e|||congradulations on quitting cutting. Start using a cocoa butter lotion to even out skin tone. Also use a skin bleaching cream on those scars. They will lighten in a few months. I am not sure what the product is called but just go to walmart or a similar store and look for it in the lotion and cream section. If you cant find one just ask someone who works there. Best of luck to you.|||try rubbing vitamin E oil on it|||Cocoa butter definitely helps.|||bio oil. bio oil. bio oil. bath in it. use it as a cream, use it as lube..just use it as much as possible..|||Well, unless you use concealer, there%26#039;s nothing you can do about it.|||firstly congratulations on stopping :) :) :) :) - i know how hard it is

they either dont go or they heal over alot of time

i am not aware of a way of getting rid of them sorry

peace out :)|||Consult a dermatologist.|||Try anything advertised for minimising stretch marks. Bio-oil is supposed to very good and costs around 拢10. Your marks will fade in time as well.|||Read Scar Treatment鈥?/a>|||Bleaching and fade cream really helps the best fade cream if you have a mall in your area is Fashion Fair%26#039;s Bleaching cream it will run you about $24 but it is great if you are persistent! Don%26#039;t be alarmed it is a black makeup line bu the skin care is for all skin types. Caucasian women come in all the time and buy it for sun and aging spots all the time. The fairer the skin the faster it works!|||get vitamin E capsules at drugstore or GNC.pop capsule with a needle ,and rub the liquid on the scar.helped my 150 stich scar fade quickly.|||I have this stuff called Scar Zone by a company called Sudden Change. It works wonders. My brother used it when he had a serious injury on his forehead and you can%26#039;t even tell he had to have multiple layers of stitches to close up his head! I am currently using it on my ankles which were both broken in a car accident almost a year ago. I am noticing the scars minimizing all the time.|||I heard shea butter helps|||Pure cocoa butter will lessen the appearance of scars over time.

A concealer that really covers acne scars?

I have acne scars and im using L%26#039;%26quot;oreals Mineral Foundation...but I dont like the concelear cuz it doesnt cover anything.

Whats a GOOD conceler to cover up those acne scars?|||try tea tree concealer from the body shop. it works well and help;s treat the spot at the same time! amazing1|||Urban Decay 24/7 Concealer Pencil is really good...the lady at Sephora recommended it to me for covering acne and scars. It is very thick and pigmented, so it doesn%26#039;t come off easily and covers like magic. (鈥?/a>

Also, I have heard M.A.C makes good concealers, but I haven%26#039;t tried them.|||I have a few spots (acne scars), I dont like liquids so I have been using Bare Minerals aka Bare escentuals bisque. Dab a concealer brush on the lid (doesnt take much) and tap it on the impoerfection, finish with the foundation.. It works awesome, and bare minerals is good for your skin. Its realy light weight, and lasts me a few months. DEF worth a try =)|||I am addicted to MAC studio sculpt concealer, its about $15 but it lasts me 3 yrs! I only use concealer, and some dusting powder on my face. The concealer does that job.|||Use any cream concealer , liquid is sheer . And when putting on the concealer use a dabbing motion not rubbing .|||dermablend you can even cover birth marks ot a tattoo with it|||W7 Tea tree concealer stick (it comes in a lip gloss tube thing with a wand) it does wonders!!|||you got some great answers. Here is a long term fix Mederma scar cream, it really works.

Is there any way to remove scars as a result of eczema?

As a result of the eczema I%26#039;m in need of something that lighten the skin(no where close to Michael Jackson proportions lol.) but one that allows an even tone between the scarred and normal skin.

My regular skin was beautiful, until eczema arrived and the urge to scratch was unbearable!!!. Please understand that I don%26#039;t hate my skin but I%26#039;m looking for something to, as I mentioned before, aide the scarring.|||Emu Oil.

DO IT! DO IT NOW!!!|||Try Mederma cream or Bio Oil

I have back acne scars and I don't know how to get rid of them. Does anyone have any advice for me?

I get some breakouts every now and then and I get left with these hideous scars. I%26#039;ve tried scrubs and back scrubers but I don%26#039;t think they%26#039;re working all that well. I just want pretty flawless skin again. :(|||DIET is KEY.

*don%26#039;t do and/or eliminate as much as possible*


-sugar/corn syrup


-processed food

-fast food

-(partially) hydrogenated oils (almost in everything)


-fried foods

-white bread/flour

-beer, to a lesser extent (if you must drink, drink a little wine)

*eat as much as possible*

-SALADS (at least, 1 a day)

-fruit (not canned)

-fruit juice (100%)


-whole foods

-raw foods

it may take a while for your system to cleanse, but:

-be consistent


-and make an effort to REALLY enforce those dietary guidelines as much as possible; not just a little, but a real effort. read those labels. if you can%26#039;t afford to shop at a health food store or your parents don%26#039;t eat that way, be prepared to get a job.

You want to keep a 80% alkaline to 20% acid balance in your system; which might be difficult at first, but stick with it (it may take a few months), but, I guarantee, you%26#039;ll see an improvement; the longer you stick with it, the better your complexion will continue to get.|||Get to your dermatologist and undergo true dermabrasion.|||You could try a peel .. they should fade with time, though.|||See your doctor to get a recomendation to see a dermatolagist|||There are actually creams that can make the marks disappear. Their called fading creams|||Start using Proactive! You need to use it on a daily bases. It%26#039;s very important to cleanse and moisturize your face, neck, shoulder areas. NEVER pick at your acne. It%26#039;s also important not to use soap with alcohol or perfume in it. Don%26#039;t use regular soap on your face; try and use something that is for sensitive skin. Many over the counter products have to much perfume. And it will irritate your skin! It will also clog your pores. That maybe the reason why you are breaking out so badly on your back. Change soap! I don%26#039;t know how bad the scars you have are but it%26#039;s never to late to start cleaning your skin. Look into Proactive. I know it might be a little expensive but it%26#039;s worth it. Instead of buying a soda or burger invest your cash on some good products for your skin. Cut out junk food and drink more water. You need to flush out your body! Just keep positive!

What's the best product to use to get rid of scars from pimples?

Mederma is great for any scars...but you just have to be consistent.

I love mederma, I use it for all my scars

its sold in any drugstore|||probably the most cost efficient thing to use is vitamin works on both new and old scars

whta you do is go to a drugstore (most places have this actually) and buy a bottle of gel pills of vitamin e ten every night you poke a whole through a pill and rub the gel that comes out onto the scars then you eat the rest of the pill becaues it is a vitamin!

you should see results in a bout a week or so|||ask your dermatologist or doctor about differin because i just started using it and it is really good it will make your skin peel but the peeling is the dirt and scars that is peeling off so right now almost all of my scars are gone from the peeling|||go to the dermatoligist and they will give u excatly wat u need!!!!!! i went 2 weeks ago and my acne and blackheads r already clearing up! i use epiduo!! it works but i would recommend the dermatoligist|||ambi

Is there a safe and effective way to remove keloid scars from the chest?

Yes there is !

Go and consult a good homeopath near you !

You will be cured so fast you will be amazed !

Take Care and God Bless !

Feel free if you need my help in homeopathic prescriptions !|||Keloids are hard, raised scars of fibrous tissue (skin) caused by some type of opening in the skin, like lesions or lacerations. So cutting and other types of removal like it or out of the question!

At pharmacies, they are selling products that resemble bandages, that are to be applied to the area repeatedly over a course of time to help minimze the scar.

Most keloids are formed as the body%26#039;s defense against antigens (foreign invaders). They can form around a hair, scab or sliver. Here are some links you may find useful.鈥?/a>|||dermabrasion by a dermatologist

What are some things at home that you can use to get rid of stretch marks and scars?

I%26#039;m extremely low on money, I can%26#039;t afford the fancy lotions and things. But I have scars and marks all up and down my legs that aren%26#039;t very attractive at all. And have stretch marks on my butt, which have kept me away from the pool and a bikini all summer.

Are there things at home (like food or something) that I can use to get rid of stretch marks and scars? If so, on average, how long do you think it would take for them to go away?

Thanks for the help!|||Cocoa Butter is cheap (it%26#039;s a lotion) for strecth marks, try neosporin for the scars. =)|||I don%26#039;t know of anything at home, but if you have a dollar store like dollar tree, or a 99 cent store. They sell a coco butter cream, or get the vitamin e lotion. The sun might also help to blend them in, but make sure you protect your skin with a lotion, or mild sun block. You could even try foods that are real high in vitamin e. Good luck, and I hope it works.|||Lots and lots lotion!!! You can even buy sepciel lotion for strech marks.|||Well, if you don%26#039;t have much money, buy PreferOn at CVS or Rite Aid; dunno about home stuff|||cocoa butter works for the scars to i have seen it first hand on cigarette burns.

What kind of scar removal do I need for my scars in my butt? Their color is dark it looks like a birthmark.?

I have this forever and I never wear a swimsuit even once in my life because it makes me not to have confident and it stressed me out...I hope somebody could share ideas for me please...|||well i had dark spots so i went on walgreens and typed in skin whitening and i found a really cheap product called Dr.Fred Summit it only takes usually 3 weeks for it to go away.|||I am going to follow your advise..

Thank You by the way

Where can I buy them? Report Abuse
|||smoke some good

How to get rid of scars?

I used to cut myself, and now I have scars that I regret very much. Any home remedies to get rid or fade away these scars?!|||umm well, they say scars are there forever, and i don%26#039;t know exactly about that but i guess you could try putting nesporin? i accidently cut myself with a mechanical pencil [was like, 10 at the time. (now 14.] the scar%26#039;s still there.......................

Is there like a laser surgery or something to get rid of scars?

i have a big scar on my face and is there a surgery or laser thing to make it go away fast? like b4 school starts again?|||there are creams that should help and if youre worried talk to your doctor!|||i have the same problem as u did. be4 i used this homemde mask. ITs amazing and works. IN like 1 week they could be almost gone.

1 egg yolk

2 teaspoons of oatmeal

1 teaspoon of sea salt

a squirt of lemon juice

1/4 mashed banana

1 slice tomato

mis these all togeather till its in a thick liquid form. apply to face for 20 mins put thicker layers on the bad parts. avoiod eyes.

wach off with hot water and wash cloth.

then moistuize with a scar removin creme(found a drug stores)

opw this helps! this helped me alot!|||laser is faster..i experience be4

How do i dissapears a scars that i got when i born?

The scars is like 4cm long is in my face, is up my mouth and down my nose .. how to cure it ? thnx|||I don%26#039;t think you;s a birth mark. Only thing I can think of is going to a dermatologist, or getting plastic surgery. =/|||scars are for life. Birth marks are for life. Unless of course you try laser.

What home products can reduce or diminish the appearance of scars?

exfoliate with a small amount lemon juice then apply egg whites let sit on face for an hour then wash off ,or where ever you have a scar good luck.

What is the best remedy for oily skin and acne scars?

My face is so oily, maybe that%26#039;s why I%26#039;m so prone to pimples... I%26#039;ve tried a lot of brands but doesn%26#039;t work to me. Most of them costs too high...(that is why I wasted alot of money). Also, the acne scars, what%26#039;s the best thing to do with it? Thanks in advance...|||i had dis prob as well but THANK GOD is gone,for oilyness use salty water 2 wash face thrice a day,u%26#039;ll c da difference in few days,for acne even i have wasted lots of money but finally i tried sum home remedies....use mud mask daily wid rose water but apply to affected area only,put rose water in a spray n put in da frigde n use spray on ur face as many times as u can,use paste of mint leaves daily for 15 mins n trust me u%26#039;ll feel da difference in 15 days dis paste will help wid oilyness,pimples n acne marks....n do harmone course n acne course i u havnt dey%26#039;ll help 2.....n as u must know v shud cleanse,tone n moisterize,im using neutrogene%26#039;z deep cleansin cream original formula which is really gud plus neutrogene%26#039;z anti blemish toner n use oil free moisturizer n if u dont wana use dese products u can replace dem wid dese things ROSE WATER(CLEANSER N TONER) YOUGURT(MOISTERIZER:but apply for 15 mins n den was wid plain water)|||Speak to a dermatolgist. All over the counter stuff never worked for me. I%26#039;ve tried everything that was non prescription and none had a significant effect.

I would talk to your dermatologist about Retin-A micro-gel. And also, read the reviews on people who are on it.....After I finish my treatment of Retin-A I spoke to my dermatologist about getting a medium peel and he said it would have signifiacant effects....Also, I really trust my dermatologist as he has graduated summa cume lade at UCLA at 19!!! And he also worked with Dr. Murad and has had his own practice for some time.

I%26#039;ve had acne for over 15 years.....and I do know it is because of my horomones.....Having a baby has really messed up my body chemistry....|||Have you tried Proactive. The stars swear by it on infomercials. My wife tried it and I was cracking up because she was so excited and it didnt do sh_t. Maybe u will have better luck baby.|||you should not take the treatment of acne on your own;s not a good idea..specialists in skin,VD or dermatologists are to be consulted for its proper treatment and cure..there are many medicines from anti-biotic, creames, vitamins,ointments, to steroids for cure of acnes and pimples..don try to press,rub,scrach or even touch those with your finger nails as it can cause infection and permanent blackish spots or marks in the affected areas and will look bad.

What are some things at home that you can use to get rid of stretch marks and scars?

I%26#039;m extremely low on money, I can%26#039;t afford the fancy lotions and things. But I have scars and marks all up and down my legs that aren%26#039;t very attractive at all. And have stretch marks on my butt, which have kept me away from the pool and a bikini all summer.

Are there things at home (like food or something) that I can use to get rid of stretch marks and scars? If so, on average, how long do you think it would take for them to go away?

Thanks for the help!|||I will start off with a few cheap, easy solutions. Try using a skin brush while you are showering will increase circulation which will help the skin to heal and help reduce stretch marks. There are also many creams you can find at your local pharmacy or grocery store that will moisturize your stretch marks, and make them more flexible. Examples of these are cocoa butter and creams or oils containing vitamin E. If none of the creams or oils are effective, you can also talk to your doctor about getting a prescription cream to reduce stretch marks.

Your diet can also help reduce your stretch marks. Eating food high in zinc and silica will help with your collagen formation. Also, eating foods with essential fatty acids, such as certain vegetables and fish oils, help form cell walls. Eating foods high in vitamins A, C, and E will also help.

If you are interested in more effective ways of preventing and getting rid of stretch marks, you can read abt them from this site:鈥?/a>

|||scars are permanent :/ sorry

you can fade them with cocoa butter but thats a lotion, its not that expensive but it works for many. Ive heard vapor rub works too, but that might be a myth|||scars of any sort are damage to the skin and as such are permanent.

Is it possible for my scars to fade?

OK, i have white scars from mosquito bites. And they%26#039;re much whiter than my legs%26#039; complexion. Do you think that it%26#039;s possible for them to fade? (well, not totally) but even to reduce their appearance? I%26#039;m just 15 years old and some people say to me that my skin will still regenerate so I don%26#039;t have to worry. What do you think?|||Heyy, no worries hun ^_^ i had the same problem and they did fade away COMPLETLEYY, and i didnt even put anything on them to help them fade lolz and i was like..hmmz..13..15 now though but yea no worries they will fade in time (wont take that long though lol). Hope I helped ^_^|||It is true that most scars fade away with time, the time of fading away depends on how bad the scars are. Yours don%26#039;t sound to bad, they will probably be gone within a year and a half. If your really that worried about it, you can go to your local drug store and pick up a lotion or ointment to help reduce the scars faster.|||That%26#039;s true

Is it possible to remove scars?

I have a surgical scar down my chest from when I had open heart surgery. Is it possible to remove this scar (either through medications or surgery)? What are the procedures to remove scars if there are any? Thanks!|||Ok: If it is a red scar, a scar treatment lotion should work.

If it%26#039;s darker than your skin tone (not red), try cocoa butter, cucumber**, lemon*, or toothpaste***, as scar creme will not

remove this.

*= leave on for a few minutes

**= leave on for 7 minutes

***=leave on for 20 minutes

Well, this is a medical scar, so if there is any chance that these would affect you, ask first

this works a bit for me, as always everyones different|||I believe that be.|||bio -oil will help reduce and fade scars|||Personally, ive read alot on acne scars as i have quite a few left over too. What ive heard to do is apply acv(apple cider vinegar, u can buy it at ur grocery store for under 2 bucks) and mix it half and half with warm water. Then dab the diluted acv with a cotton ball and apply it on your scar. Also i have heard that drinking it is great too but it might taste a bit sour :P . Also another great thing to do is go make an appointment with your dermatologist and get her/him to prescribe u a tropical gel called %26quot;retin a micro%26quot;. As ive heard and read, u need to apply just a lil%26#039; dab on the scar for about twice a day, preferably morning and night. However the downfall to using retin-a micro is that it will peel your skin - but thats how it works. Using retin-a micro will make ur scars get better before it gets worst. tho retin a micro wont work over night, i am more then certain u will achieve decent results from using it atleast about 2-3 weeks. It takes a bit of time, but im positive that if you use this tropical and dab some acv dilutd with water, those maarks will fade in time. gd luck :)|||Be proud of joining the zipper club, we are still alive what could be better.|||NO. My sis got hit by a car last year, now she has a big scar on her knee from surgery. The scar is too deep to do anything about, like most surgical scars. It goes all the way to the bone.|||Scars cannot be removed unless you go to a plastic surgeon who can do a scar revision. Otherwise, you can help the scar fade by using Mederma or Bio-oil on the scar. Laser clinics can also help decrease the appearance but it will never go away. Also, scars naturally lighten up as time goes on - they do not stay red forever.|||YES! Use cocoa butter lotion. You can find it at the drug store.

Help me on this best 10p!! How to get rid of pimple,scars, acne, large pores, blackhead and oily face?!!!?

Please I need to know on this. I need to smaller my large pores, my too oily face, acne and pimple also scars and blackhead. Are there any natural substances that can cure this or any best facial products that I can get from pharmacy? Please, help me.|||I had the exact same problem, i was washing my face every night and would constantly be changing from product to product.

i even went to my doctor and she prescribed a cream for my face and it still didn%26#039;tt work.

as for the oily part goes, you can pick up blotting pads at a drug store which really help, you would be amazed to see how much oil is really on your face.

as for the acne, mines gone now, and all i have been doing is washing it once a week with a very mild cleanser and every night i put cocoa butter on my face, its very rich and is great for your skin. i think that from my experience acne gets worse the more you wash.

for the scars, try pressing some garlic and applying it once a week to just the sacred areas. i cant really help with the large pores, but just try keeping simple one week, and try not using a lot of makeup to clog your pores. (maybe over Christmas break?)

|||Try to stay away from fatty foods. Eating correctly is very important in terms of keeping acne away ( and your health in general). Also are you stressed in your life? People breakout often when they have alot of stress, like finals week. Acne is pretty much a bacterial infection on overdrive. Your blood rushes to the site of infection causing a protuding bump, hence the pimple.

If you want OTC medicine, you can do a cream that contains benzoyl peroxide 10% or there is also a face wash from Clean and Clear with BP 10%. Make sure you wear sunscreen over it, because it does dry out your skin. If you%26#039;re a young person, its probably puberty, so get over it, its natural. I had this problem up until i was 21, I changed my diet and used face wash, I%26#039;ve controlled it well since then. |||Go to your dermatologist! I started getting acne on my forehead around 12 also. by the time i was 14, it was everywhere on my face, and starting on my back. I went to the dermatologist a little after I turned 14, after trying clean and clear, Clearasil, PROACTIVE (didn%26#039;t work, when i stopped using it, i completely broke out horribly), and a few other commonly known products. The dermatologist prescribed me Acutane, which is THE BEST acne solution ever!!! It completely eliminates everybody%26#039;s acne. My derm. gives this to almost everybody with acne, and it take 5-7 months to cure your acne.

You will be glad if you go to the derm. They specialize in skin and give you one on one attention unlike products that you buy over the counter. go. go. go. it will save you time, money, and stress over your acne. i wish i would have gone sooner.|||If you don%26#039;t want to use harsh chemicals on your face, try using Cetaphil. I had this problem also. I tried everythinggg. Proactiv worked for a little while, then it just dried out parts of my face and made other parts oily. Cetaphil works great - my face didnt feel dried out or oily. It felt clean - after a week - my pores are visibly smaller, pimples are gone, and the scars dissapear|||go to a dermatologist regularly.

Is anyone aware of any home remedies to remove the scars left from hyper pigmentation?

try bio oil... that helps with most scars n stuff|||Home chemical peels work well to get rid of scars left by hyper-pigmentation. Skin Culture seems to produce some the best at home chemical peels around. You can find out more about how Skin Culture peels and their affect on hyper-pigmentation here:

Hi how can I get rid of a few acne scars on my cheek?

Does anyone know how to really get rid of some red acne scars on my cheek, I have been reading some reviews on things, but I am just ify on some of them. Thanks|||first of all, avoid using products formulatted with mineral oil and animal products. These do not get absorbed by the skin and what it does is that it clogs your pores. In fact mineral oil is the 2nd worse thing you could do to your skins health #1 is the sun, it is like rubbing car oil on your skin and exposing yourself to the sun... Animal product come form rendering plants, these plants pick all dead animals from the road, meatmarkets etc and what they do is put them in a huge pot and squash everything inside and boil it the oil that comes to the top is what other companies use to formulate their %26quot;beauty%26quot; products ... gross i know.. eww lipstick and aghhh .. anyway, the important thing to do is read your ingredients and use the right ones regularly .... also bathing daily cleanses the skin, but it also can dry it out, causing it to look dull, but most importantly, it may cause irritation and remove the natural emolients your body produces to keep it healthy. When you bathe, always use a moisture-rich cleanser, and always pamper your skin with a daily moisturizer. I use arbonne products.... (under shop online) because they are botanically based and you could really see the difference, i had acne and lots of blemishes and my skin has cleared so much thanks their line clear advantage , it really is amazing and they have everything for everybody.... theire deep pore cleansing mask and their scrub is just perfect for eliminating the blackheads. Also their face wash is great because it cleanses without drying and removes all traces of makeup and dirt.... works wonderful for me and the bes thing is that you could shop online, receive it in your house and if ther is something you do not like about the products which is rarely to happen, you return the item and they give your money back .... also check this site from the fox news about toxins in beauty products.....鈥?/a>|||acne scar treatment鈥?/a>|||Well, my family sort of has a lot of money so I just needed face wash and my mom bought me Proactiv and I know it%26#039;s just for treating really bad acne but I use it everyday and night and it works perfect. But if that%26#039;s too expensive try Clean %26amp; Clear I used that before Proactiv and it worked REALLY good. Hope this info helped. If you have further questions e-mail me at!|||YES THE ANSWER IS WATER TEA TREE OIL BIO OIL USE NATURAL PRODUCTS|||Do you know Aloe?? Well find a real one (not creams or that kind of crap, a real one). Then cut a leave of the plant, and you will find it very juicy. All you have to do is to put the juicy part on the parts where you have the scars. Then leave it as it is and go to sleep. You will notice that it will get dry. Do this for about 3 consecutive days, and the scars will be completely gone. Make sure you get the real aloe, which is the one that as a light green color (not the dark one) and it has some white freckles on it. Hope it worksssssssssssssssssssssssss!!!!!|||They r probably some creams @ ur local health store.|||Alpha Hydroxy lotion will help, it is available online or over the counter at some local drug store %26amp; dept. store retailers. It is a mild Glycolic acid fruit peel lotion. There is also Dermablend makeup. Try the lotion, it removes brown pigment spots from the sun, and mothers mask patches, too! I hope this helps!|||Just use some creams. DOn%26#039;t worry so much about it. It is a part of you now.|||Just wash your face twice or thrice.That%26#039;s it.

How to get rid of scars?

I%26#039;ve read that the scar skin needs to heal. And to wash it so it prevents having pimples near the area. What does this mean? How do I do it? I%26#039;ve gotten a scar by popping a pimple, the straightening my hair and accidentally burnt my pimple. how do I fix this problem? I need home remedies. Oh and I%26#039;ve had this scar for a year and a half!|||palmers cocoa butter works for my acne scars.. but you gotta give it time though till you notice complete results (: and my mom always swears by mederma but ive never tried it so i dunno lol|||First of all,

Do not pop/squeeze the acne. This will

only make your skin look worse.

Our finger tips have oils on them naturally.

So putting your fingers on your face is not


I had a friend who encountered this problem

%26amp; her home remedy was a lemon.

All you do is cut the lemon in 1/2, then

rub the lemon on your face.

It worked for her like a gem.

For scars: you can use all natural Aloe Vera.

I grow it in my backyard %26amp; I use it for a face

mask. Works like, I went to a day spa !

Then I follow up with a non-greasy facial


How To Get Ride Of Scars On Your Arms?

Hiya, i was wondering if anyone knew any natural remedies or products

that help to get rid of scaring, as i fell off my bike 2years ago and

had a deep cut from it, its heeled, BUT the scar is still there,

i hate it, cos i can%26#039;t wear short sleeves, its looks horrid...

Can Anyone Help...Thank you!!|||You can purchase a product called Bio-Oil, they are quite pricey but you could get them for a reasonable price in a local store like %26#039;Savers, Superdrugs, Boots etc%26#039;

Its a great product and can get rid of scars, stretch marks and can even skin tone.

I use this and my skin has improved as a recently had a scare on my face, but after using this product the scar vanished within a week of daily usage both morning and night.

Good Luck

Hope this helped|||creams, ointments and scare sheets can remove scars but are quite expensive

Go see a dermatologist if you want to get rid of scars

companies like neosporin can get rid of scars up to a point

mederma can help get rid of scars

Alpha hydroxy skin treatment can help get rid of scars

good luck

Saturday, December 26, 2009

My body is covered in scars- im guessing id never be able to have a career in dance right?

I was going to go for a scholarship in Laban in 2 years but i dont know if i could ever get accepted with my amount of scarring. (scarring from self injury)|||Hi lizzie,

You can do this free on doctor%26#039;s prescription in UK but anywhere else you would probably have to pay for it.

If you are in UK.....Get a referral from your GP to see a Red Cross adviser at your nearest hospital to offer this service.

This lady will be trained in camouflage make up. She will look at your scars and your skin tone and mix colours to suit your skin colour.

You will be taught how to apply the make up which is totally waterproof and will only come off with special cream.

You wouldn%26#039;t have to apply it all over, just to the scars, it won%26#039;t show because by matching it to your skin tone it will not be any different to the rest of your body.

Usually they use Dermacolor which you can get online from theatrical sites such as screenface. The problem with that though is that you don%26#039;t get anyone teaching you exactly what to do as it isn%26#039;t like applying ordinary make up. Also you need to get the colour just right.

I am sure there are ways to get someone to help in other countries, I just don%26#039;t know who or how.

I can assure you Lizzie that once this stuff is on nobody, however close they got to you would be able to detect any scars.

A lot of people with birthmarks on their face use it, even men.

I hope this helps you and gives you the confidence to pursue your dreams darling.

Love Mel.x|||The scars themselves shouldn%26#039;t be a reason to be denied entry to Laban. That would mean that the admissions board would be biased on physical appearance, a BIG no-no with schools. But the actions behind the scars could lead them to possibly deny entry. Only because they%26#039;d be worried about your mental and emotional capacity to handle stress incurred at the school.|||You can get camouflage make up that would cover your scars %26amp; there are brilliant ones now that can match your skin tone so don%26#039;t let that put you off in your dance career, think positive %26amp; you will achieve what you really want, good luck :)

How long does self harm scars take to fade?

I used to self harm. Its been one year since I%26#039;ve stopped, but I am left with ALOT of deep scars on my arms and legs. And I know most people will say %26quot;it varies from one person to another%26quot;, but that isnt the answer I%26#039;m looking for. I was wondering how long does it take a deep scar to naturally fade, or be completely faded? *Experiences shared would help alot*

Also, I heard about Bio-Oil. Does it really work, especially on old scars (one year old scars)? Thanks for the answers!!!|||Hello Love,

i am 28 years old and was a self injurer (cutter) from the time i was 13 up until last year.

i had some very dark red raised scars on my arms that faded after about a year.

i did not use any creams or ointments. they will fade on their just takes time.

as they say, time heals all wounds.

hope this helped.|||It doesn%26#039;t matter if a scar is self-inflicted, the result of an accident or an attack. A scar is a scar. I have mine since I was 2y.o. It doesn%26#039;t fade. It never will. But you may be lucky and your scars might heal.

I have serious doubts about oils and other ointments. But you can consult a cosmetologist that smooth scars with lasers or a cosmetic surgeon.

Good luck.|||most self harm scars, if they haven%26#039;t done anything, or barely anything in a year will never fade. Some people are left with them for the rest of their lives. If they do start fading, it will take around 4-5 years.

and bio-oil does work, but only sometimes. its worth a try! also ask your doctor what he/she recommends to get rid of them.|||I have the same problems. I tried Bio-Oil but it did nothing for me. I also have deep scars on my thighs mainly. It%26#039;s been about 5 years and they are still very bad and haven%26#039;t faded much at all. I%26#039;ve used every cream or product made and nothing works. You just have to learn to accept they may never go away. :(|||I%26#039;ve got just minor cut scars from over a decade ago. Some scars are for life man.

Who uses lasers to diminish scars,get rid of the appearance of spider veins,get rid of hair?

is it an asthetician ( can%26#039;t spell it) or does a dermatologist deal with all of that?|||I used Sona Med Spa for unsightly lip hair, I beleive they are a nationwide firm for laser hair removal. It did work but I could continue going to reduce it even more. Treatments were every couple months.

Have had a scar dimished as well from a private company and that worked great. Call your dermatologist to further discuss vein issues.|||I think they are dermatologist. I used laser to rid some black hairs on my chin. I had three tx at about $100 each. Got rid of them for about a year now they are coming back.

How do i cover up scars ?

I have major scars on my leg from an accident as a little girl, i have to wear shorts in a dance recital in a week, how do i cover them up so no one can notice. Im not ashamed of my scars or anything.. they%26#039;re just not that attractive for a recital.|||First get the scar clean. Use some light powdering of your skin tone. Then use a really light green to cover it.Next use a light color of blush. Rub it all together.Then use some liquid skin tone and get small dabs there. Or you can use mederma it is a medicine that will clear scars but it takes awhile maybe weeks too.|||the nearest slocking coving color to your skin tone.

in the mean while apply some Oil of Oregano, neat Essential Oil of Lavender and Vitamin E oil to clear it up.

I wanna be a flight attendant but I have a lot of scars on my legs.?

I wanna be an F.A. but the thing is that I got a lot of scars on my legs.I heard that its one of their critiria to have a flawless skin.Should I stop from obtaining my dream and lot for another career of should I still go on,coz I%26#039;m planning to apply for a cabin crew course next month.|||Hi,

I am a flight attendant and I have Psoriasis on both my elbows and knees. As long as you are upfront about it I think you should be fine. I was intimidated at first becuase of the stereotype that all flight attendants are perfect everything, but I spoke frankly with my CA manager and she could not have been nicer about it.

My uniform requires me to wear stockings/panty hose which covers my skin condition to a certain degree- but I have also altered my uniform, with my Cabin Attendant Manangers approval, so that I am able to cover up.

I know exactly where you are coming from with this, and believe me I thought that I would not be allowed to work as cabin attendant because of it.

But if you think about it- your scars do not impair you work, or hinder your ability to do your job so they would not have any grounds for not hiring you (Provided you meet their other criteria)

I hope that this has helped you in some way- and I just wanted to let you know that you are not the only one out there! Good luck with your course!|||By all means apply; you never know what the result could be. You could always wear skin-coloured stockings over them.|||apply! go for it!!

for the scars, you could try a moisteriser with Vitamin E.

usually flight attendants wear tights anyway.

they can%26#039;t reject you just because of your legs.

good luck!

How can i make my scars disappear in a faster and cheaper way?

look, i have really nice legs but because of this stupid allergy, its so ugly right now. it looked like i had chicken pox for years. i wanted to have nice set of legs of course. do you know any solution instead of the expensive ways? thanks for the help! x)|||I had the same thing

I use bio oil.

I break out A LOT though so I dont use it whn I have break outs.

It is the only thing that gets rid of my purple scars.

It even helped fade old scars.

Then I get an airbrush tan over it ;]]

Where in Orlando can I get help to reduce acne scars?

I live in Orlando and have bad acne scars, my dermatologist can%26#039;t help, where should I go?|||Scars are often a painful way to remind one of their past, and acne scars often plague adults-now there is a safe way to get up to an 80% reduction in scars. The Palomar 1540 Fractional Resurfacing will visibly reduce your scars in less than 3 treatments on average. These safe and effective treatments utilize micro-beams of light to create columns of coagulated tissue within the Dermis (the second layer of the skin) to form new healthy tissue, stimulate collagen, and stimulate elastyn to naturally resurface the skin. Palomar Fractional is patented to penetrate deeper than Fraxel for a more significant result. This treatment works on any scar and is also great for wrinkles.

Winter Park Laser is a medi-spa in ORLANDO that offers fractional skin resurfacing along with free consultations. Winter Park Laser is a medi-spa in ORLANDO located at 610 N wymore rd. Winter Park FL. Go to for more information.

|||Hey Jennifer....

Honestly if your doctor can%26#039;t or refuses to help you, you should probably try another dermatologist in Orlando. This is especially true if you have truly bad acne scars.

Most people who have mild to moderate acne scars consider them bad as well. You probably only really need a dermatologist if you have truly bad acne scars.

However, if you%26#039;re suffering from any sort of discolored skin, you could treat that on your own, instead of going to a dermatologist who will probably charge you thousands of dollars. The first guy who answered your question recommended a treatment option that will likely cost you $10,000 plus. Probably not what you%26#039;d like to do.

Try some otc fade creams first, and perhaps a retinol cream (both can be picked up from your local wal-mart. Use them consistently and take pictures!). If your scars are deeper, there are some peels that could work to gradually restore smoothness to your skin.

If these don%26#039;t work, try Obagi. I%26#039;ve used it for years and it works great!

Only use laser procedures as a last result.

For some more information, check out this site. It%26#039;s really helpful if you%26#039;re suffering from discoloration and shallow scarring:|||Im not sure how this would work for you, but i would constantly get redish marks after pimples that just would never fade. I did some research and found mario badescu whitening mask, it worked MIRACLES for me, and ive tried all kinds of products, from acne scarring peels to those hypo-scrubs. Ive not liked anything else from them, but the mask is very well prices, works quickly, and if u fill out the questionnaire u get TONS of free samples with ur order!

good luck!

I plan on getting laser treatment on my face and body to get rid of moles, birthmarks, and acne scars?

Are there any facilities in Los Angeles, CA that anyone would recommend? I know of one company, Lasik, but they are pretty expensive. I was wondering if anyone knew any other companies that offer this type of service. Thanks|||Thats good for you but make sure that when you do go to the doctor for you laser treatment that it does not sting or burn. I watched a woman on the Montel Willams show and she talk about how she wanted to get laser treatment to remove hair from her face and neck.When the doctor use the laser pen it burned her and she told him that it burned.The doctor just told her that it was ok. The next morning she woke to up to find burn scars all over her face and neck. It gave me chills just looking at it.I wish I had pictures to show you.|||i have been through surgery with moles, when i developed skin cancer at a young age. i had beauty spots on my face which began to bleed.

i was recommended surgery over laser, obviously due to possible tumours. but i also had some other moles removed at the same time. i found the surgery was good.

best thing for acne scars, is vitamin E. you can use either creams or oils. these can also be applied after surgery and help speed up the process of healing.

lasers are a lot more dangerous, and un-natural to your skin. and can cause side affects.

my cancer is gone, and my moles are gone. by using the vitamin e cream on my raised scars and dented acne scars, those are both flattened, level and improved.

i%26#039;d try that on your acne before going through with lasers. if you%26#039;re going to have something done, have as little done as possible.

Has anyone with scars from self mutilation ever succeeded in enlisting in the military?

No rude answers please. Thank you to anyone that answers my question :-)|||It requires a psych eval. As a Recruiter only had to deal with one from drug use. Don%26#039;t hold your breathe.|||I enlisted into the Navy with a branding on my left arm. It was put in as a waiver same sheet as my tattoos. Never had any problems with any of the commands i have been at.

Now if you have scars from being a %26quot;cutter%26quot; you may get asked a lot of questions about why. Were you depressed, are you still, a physh eval may be preformed ect ect. My answer to my branding was it was a stupid college thing and never had any other questions about it.|||I was in 6 yrs in USMC, and fortunately I never saw that or heard of that. You might want to ask a recruiter this question. Be upfront and honest, be prepared that they may ask you to see a Psychiatrist before signing anything. Good luck.

Is proactiv solution really effective on acne and acne scars?

im thinkinq of buying it.

i wanna knoe if it really works on those two things.|||It helped me when I had acne, but then they didn%26#039;t send me my package for a while and I had to wait and my acne started coming back, then we I used it again, I DIDN%26#039;T WORK! I swear they put a little in a bottle one day then a lot the next! But I don%26#039;t care cause I%26#039;m not a customer with them anymore.|||I%26#039;ve heard It only works for some people. My friends who have used it told me they Highly do not recommend it. I%26#039;m using the Neutrogena items. If you are going to spend alot of money on your acne cleanser I suggest you go to the Neutrogena skinID site and buy that. I use this cleanser by Neutrogena that comes with 2 different lotions (night lotion and day lotion) My acne cleared in 3 days with it. I dont recommend proactiv. Go with Neutrogena.|||YES. I LOVE mine!! It works miracles!! I tried EVERYTHING, and nothing worked. Finally, my parents ordered ProActive, and my face looks AWESOME!! =D

Do any current on the market acne products eliminate scars?

I%26#039;ve tried clearasil and neutrogena scar care products, but they aren%26#039;t really doing it for me. Is there a cheap and easy way to go about this?|||Here are some links that can help you. =)

Non-Surgical Treatments:鈥?/a>

Surgical and Laser Treatments:鈥?/a>|||you can get them removed w lasers. go to a dermo!|||Acne scar treatment鈥?/a>|||U CAN REMOVE UR SCAR BY WILLPOWER|||There is no cheap way. U need to go to a beauty center or a dermatologist to make a chemical peeling or laser. these are effective , store products are of no use.

Has any datrk skinned person been to the dermatologist for dark scars?

if yes - did what they prescribe work to lighten them?

what did they prescribe?|||hydroquinone.... :o)

Whats the best way to get rid of acne scars?

so i have lots of acne, and I wash my face every night and in the morning. But as one disappears it leaves behind a scar, or a little brown freckle on my sandy complexion.|||The best way is laser but its spendy around 1K USD

The alternative is using an acne scar cream.

I used the scar kit from zenmed. The skin eraser actually did wonders for me.

You can read more on the zenmed product and other home remedies like grean tea, lemon juice at:

good luck,


I scar easy, any help on how to make my scars lighter?

I have scars all over my legs from stupid things like bug bites any tips on how to make them lighter or go away?|||Hey! You should mix some drops of lemon juice in some rose water ( which you can get from any pharmacy) and use that with cotton as a cleanser sort of thing at night time only- and if you do this for a while after about a couple of months your scars should get lighter.|||Moisturise your legs!!xxx|||mayonase|||I had a very bad scar on my shin, then i read that rubbing vitamin E oil on the scar will help it become lighter. I began to rub vitamin E oil twice every day (morning and night) on my scar. I have been doing this for 5 months (i got my scar 8 months ago) and many people have commented on how nicely it has healed and become lighter. I hope this helps!!|||Try Vit E, open a capsule and rub the oil on it. Its worth a try.|||Try using Mederma cream. Walgreens sells.|||use lemon juice on then. BUT make sure the scab is COMPLETLY gone or it stings so bad!|||well you now that pain away stick you rub on ur body where it hurts well i heard of this scar away stick that you rub on ur scars to make them go away i heard it works really well im pretty shure they sell it at walmart|||there%26#039;s this thing called bio-oil ,

and you put it on your scar a couple times a day,

%26amp; it makes it dissappear .

it works for stretch marks too (:

you can buy it at your local pharmacy , or even wal-mart or zellers ,

for about $20.|||When I have a scar, I rub Vitamin E tablets (you have to cut them open first) on my scar. It will help the scar heal better and lighter. I%26#039;m sure you could also try it on an old scar too.|||coco butter or miderma ! :D %26lt;333333333

qood lukk|||Get some vitamin E capsules and rub the fluid inside them on the scar. You will need to stick a pin in the capsules or cut them to get the E out. It will greatly reduce the scarring.

I have red scars and black heads on my face, what do i do?

I cleanse and use Benzeclin at night. But the red scars and blackheads are always there. How do I make these go away?|||Nose-Strip Method

Wet your nose with a clean face cloth and then dry your hands. Open the packet that the nose strip is in, and rip the little tabs for a better fit on your nose. Put the sticky side on your nose and wait for around 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, the nose strip should be as hard as papier mache. Remove it.

Alternatively you could also fill a sink or bathtub with hot (but not boiling) water. Rest your head over the water, so that your face can take advantage of the steam. Empty the sink or bathtub and clean the blackhead removing tool with soap and water. Proceed to use the removing tool, carefully following the instructions.

Wash your face and rinse with water. Do not bother to dry it. Take a quarter-sized amount of facial scrub and lather through clean hands. Massage your face with the scrub to exfoliate the skin. Rinse and wash face again if necessary.

Only use the strips once a week. Don%26#039;t keep the strips on for longer than ten minutes. Otherwise, the adhesive will stick to your nose, and will not remove the blackheads. Try not to touch your face. It%26#039;s a hard habit to break, but dirt, oil, and germs will get into your face and block your pores.

Be careful when removing nose strips; they can create spider veins around the nose, if pulled too hard. Do not use a facial scrub if you have other bad acne -- it could spread the acne and make it worse.|||usually make up will eventually make it worse.

try Neutrogena, or anything that tingles, because it usually works. You will break out at first, but it basically pulls all the extra oils out of your skin, and then it should start clearing up.

they also have like, little blackhead tape, that can pull them out, but it doesnt permanently get rid of them.|||Maybe you should try a Dermatologist|||if you don%26#039;t have one already, try a healthier diet|||I don%26#039;t know, but I did have blackheads galore (I mean, I couldn%26#039;t even count them, it was that bad) when I was a teenager. They went away with time. Those nose strips never worked for me :(|||The are several products to fade scars and there are lazer treatement that will take care of small scares. Do no use make up, that will plug your pores. You really need to see a skin doctor, they have alot of new stuff to help you look your best|||I have the same problem and the same olive toned skin. I recently started using Neutrogena Clear Pore Cleanser/Mask (2 in 1) and it is starting to work for me. Although it is doing nothing for my scars, it does make them slightly lighter becasue it has benzyl peroxide.

I wash my face twice a day with the cleanser method, and onece a week I use the mask method. I can really see a difference!

Good luck.

For the scars, I plan on having laser resurfacing done or microderm abrassion...I just have to save up for it first.|||Those pore strips never worked for me either. i%26#039;ve been trying to get rid of my black heads too. if you find anything that works let me know. i exfoliate too but that doesn%26#039;t get rid of them and on my nose when i wear makeup my pores look big and horrible.

What can i use to get rid of acne scars, i've tried bio oil for a few months but it isn't working to well?

I have red scar like marks on my face where I used to suffer from acne, I have been using bio oil because that what I used to get rid of my chickenpox scars but it isn%26#039;t making the marks any better in the last few months I have used it for. Is there a cream or anything I could use instead?|||There are several ways to get rid of scars such as surgical and non-surgical treatments. Depending on the severity of the scarring you may be able to eliminate the scars by using topical treatments.

Microdermabrasion is great for removing scars. If you don%26#039;t want to spring for a professional treatment, then you can purchase an at-home kit. Other treatment options include:

chemical peels


collagen injections|||consult a dermatologist. because the products that we use should suit our skin texture

How to get scars from sugery to fade?

I just had knee replacement surgery and would like to know what to use to help my scar fade.|||Buy vitamin e capsules. They are liquid filled. Cut it open and put it on the healed but scarring wound.

I can barely find the scars from my ACL surgery when I look for them, but they were tiny in the first place--I imagine replacement leaves a much bigger scar.|||Vitamin E works wonders. There are creams you can pick up at your local pharmacy. Also, scars are made from fibrous tissue, so the more you stretch out and move the area with the scar, the less fibrous tissue will build up and the more it will %26quot;fade.%26quot; So if you combine the two methods above, I think you will be pleased with the results. Good luck with recovery, hopefully it won%26#039;t be to painful for you to try.|||they dont fade... ever... there is that thing tht can hide them tho. its by the co. of head on i cant remember it tho.|||well i have a scar for stitches. so i just let it fade or use makeup

What product can be found in Singapore to help to remove scars?

where can it be found ?

is it affordable ?|||You can head down to your nearest polyclinic to see a doctor. They have some dermatolagical products which are for sale that you can%26#039;t get from stores outside.

To remove scars, get products that contain glycolic acid. Use product brands like NeoStrata or Therupatic. Proven results and it doesn%26#039;t harm.dry your skin like Proactiv, which can be too damaging.

Does ProActive or Acne Free also help to get rid of scars while fighting acne?

Because on all of the pictures, the people who had the bad acne had acne scars as well, and in the after pictures they aren%26#039;t there...|||no they dont help with scars but proactive does have somethig in their catalogue for scars i really dont like proactiv but ambi works

if you go to a derm you can get something with a high percent hyroquinone its a bleach it takes a while to work

but exfoliate daily and use a high spf sunblack n tey will eventually go away

in the mean time use mineral makeup it wont cause more breakouts n has a good coverage try maybelline|||Those are just pictures. They really dont care how true it is. They just want to sell their product. However proactiv does work great on acne. Ive used it for months and im doing pretty good :)

Heres a link for a product called Mederma

Ive used this for a few months also and its worked to lighten the scar.

Hope I helped :)

How to Get scars get off my face and body?

I have been suffering of these scars for a very long time. And now i want to end it . and OMG! our graduation day is fast approaching! so please help me...|||Congratulations re your graduations day.

My short term answer is make-up, just book a free make-up session in your nearest department store or Boots, its will cost nothing and they%26#039;ll give you ideas to hid the scars from all those digital cameras. And you%26#039;ll get those precious grad pics.

And long term stuff - scars form when a deep layer of tissue is damaged, whether from acne, surgery, injuries, burns, insect bites, or cuts. Here%26#039;s the %26#039;good news%26#039;, healing nows take place but it also takes time ~ 2 years, but the sooner you begin treatment, the more likely you are to heal the scar completely.

The longer a treatment is used the better the results - even on my stretch marks :-).

Vit E and cocoa butter do help loads and can be bought at the Body Shop. But my all time favourite (and most of my friends with kids) is Bio-Oil. Its does what is says on the pot!! In the UK its available in most places that sell skin creams.

PS please remember to remove those price lables from that soles of your new shoes as when you%26#039;re on stage getting that precious bit of paper those whiter than white lables show up!!!|||Depends on how much scar tissue is built up there. Ultimately use of lasers, dermabrasion, AHA based products and peels all work well, but that requires money and not only. You have to be extremely responsible there after about sun exposure - and I am not kidding about that. A visit to a good dermatologist could point you in the right direction based on your economic capabilities, and the extent of your situation. And honey don%26#039;t rush it just cause Graduation day is coming, start something that will be effective and safe, and thank goodness make up has come a long long way in the last few years. Hook yourself up with some good makeup as well. Good Luck!|||MOISTURIZE! When you get out of the shower apply olive oil to your skin while it is STILL WET. Then DAB (don%26#039;t rub) yourself dry. This will get your skin into the mode of being well moisturized. I always use fresh shea butter on my skin. It must be fresh--not the commercial lotions that have a bunch of chemicals in them. Its usually a cream color and it comes in chunks. If it is a specific scar apply pure vitamin E oil to the scar religiously for a few weeks. The scar should start to fade. Make sure you use only pure, natural products, not drugstore items that are enhanced with other chemicals. You will be robbing yourself and wasting your time with those fakes.|||Scars (by definition) cannot be removed. However, certain treatments from a dermatologist (usually involving types of lasers) can fade them. But they will always be there.|||I%26#039;m 16 and my ex used this cream and its a bloody miracle :)|||CONCEALER/

FOUNDATION|||well you could use make up to cover it up temporarily or you could try scar creams.|||Rub Vitamin E oil, every time you shower. Clears up in about three weeks. I even got rid of burn scars, this way!|||make up, lots of make up

Is there a way to get rid of acne scars?

im 11 and i%26#039;ve had acne since i was 8 and over the years i%26#039;ve popped and picked at some of my there some kind of skin cream or something to get rid of the acne scars?|||Hi there,

You could try some of the home remedies. They usually have different impacts but perhaps one might work for you:鈥?/a>


Alternatively if you would like to purchase a cream, I would recommend the zenmed scar kit. Its good value for the price:鈥?/a>

Good Luck,

M|||Here are some of the Home Remedies for pimple scars :

1. Use tomato, which has vitamin A. It%26#039;s good for your skin.

2. Your skin needs water to keep the skin plump, remove toxins and

build new skin cells.

3. Cucumber is one of the refreshing treatments used for the treatment of


Visit here, http://lets-get-rid-of-pimple.blogspot.c鈥?/a> because i get many information to get rid my pimple scar.

There, you also can get another way to get rid of pimple.|||aw man . i was just at the docotors 2 days ago. he said the WORST thing is to not pop themm !!

it can cause PERMANENT marks.

go to the doctor and he might prescribe u stievamycin.. it helps get rid of acne and scarss :) im using it right now .

anyone plz anwer minee ?;鈥?/a>|||Most definatelyy :)

Theres a medicine called Merderma ; its a gel like substance.

I use it %26amp; you just gotta be on top of it for it to really work.

Dont pick at your pimples anymore and you wont have this problem!|||Acne scar treatment answers鈥?/a>|||merderma!!! it works!!!|||vitamin e oil|||about it you can get information from here

What can i eat/take so that my skin is stronger,and less flabby i guess?and so scars/cuts heal quicker?


i%26#039;m wondering what vitamin or foods should i eat to have healthier skin,so it%26#039;s stronger and my cuts/scars heal quicker,

and so it%26#039;s less flabby,

somebody mention some kind of vitamin i was lacking,but im not sure what it was,

but yeah what vitamins help your skin heal,be healthier and be strogner/look better

thanks!|||Eat an avocado, nuts, seeds or oily fish. it has essential fatty acids in them that help to nourish the skin making it moist and have a healthy glow. Every cell in ur body contains essential fats and u need them to heal properly and up ur immunity.


you could take omega 3,6,9 in capsule form if u dont rate eating the stuff above.

Drinks lots of water too to help flush out toxins and ensure that ur transporting enough vitamins to your cells. This will help with ur complexion along side the essential fats.

Eat foods containing zinc such as red meat, chicken, oysters etc. Zinc is needed exactly for repairing the skin and keeping your hair skin and nails strong. These foods also contain protein which is the building block for repairing, making and maintaining ur bodies skin, hair and nails

Again, u could also take this in capsule form. Even better, take * hair, nails and skin* from blackmoores brand vitamins.(take it with a meal containing fat as it absorbs better)

Or if you are getting enough of these, simply try silica. It is a component that makes up to hair, skin, nails and body tissue. A common sign that shows of this minerals deficiency is ridges/lumps on ur nails. This comes in the blackmores formula mentioned above too!

Vitamin C and A also helps with collagen production and maintenance of skin tissue..

Even apply something ontop of ur scars. Personally i think nothing beats vitamin e cream or oil but everyone has their own opinion.

hope something was useful.|||fish or fish oil capsules|||Try some vitamin E.

Eat a balanced diet.|||I came across this great product for weight loss and it was excellent for me. Together with a good diet and exercise I am finally happy with my body and the way I look. You should check this product at , they have a free trial and you only pay $6.95 shipping and handling. A must!