Wednesday, December 30, 2009

I have a break out on my face that leaves me scars and makes it very noticeable what is a good remedy?

I have dark scars that I need to get rid of and need some help in how to get them off my face.|||Don%26#039;t prick the pimple, that causes the scars. Just put benzoyl peroxide on the pimple every night before going to bed. Try to use neutrogena facial wash. Sleep %26amp; eat right.|||Did you ever hear of Proactive from television? It is great.|||Arrr, wear the patch like a pirate, and tell %26#039;em landlubbers %26#039;em scars be from fightin%26#039;!|||hair analysis-

for now balance your pH with apple cider vinagre|||Try natural methods such as Tee Tree Oil and Witch hazel. Mix them together, a few drops of the oil with a bottle of Witch hazel. If you skin is dry, try moisturizing with aloe vera.

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