Wednesday, December 30, 2009

What is the best product to use to get rid of scars on faces?

like those pimple marks|||I%26#039;m in my 40%26#039;s and had scars from my youth, I fought and lost the acne wars, LOL! I found two (2) things have helped me dramatically with my scars.

First of all, I started using a moisturizer a couple of years ago that is made by Avon and supposedly has some gold in it. I%26#039;m currently out of it or I%26#039;d give you the name. I guess I need to call my Avon rep and get some more.

Secondly, I started taking several nutritional supplements that are supposedly good for our skin: Biotin (a form of vitamin b specially good for hair and skin); Hyaluronic Acid; and vitamin c.

People seemed to see the biggest difference after I started the Hyaluronic Acid, 50 mg. pills but I take 4 a day.

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