Saturday, December 26, 2009

I have red scars and black heads on my face, what do i do?

I cleanse and use Benzeclin at night. But the red scars and blackheads are always there. How do I make these go away?|||Nose-Strip Method

Wet your nose with a clean face cloth and then dry your hands. Open the packet that the nose strip is in, and rip the little tabs for a better fit on your nose. Put the sticky side on your nose and wait for around 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, the nose strip should be as hard as papier mache. Remove it.

Alternatively you could also fill a sink or bathtub with hot (but not boiling) water. Rest your head over the water, so that your face can take advantage of the steam. Empty the sink or bathtub and clean the blackhead removing tool with soap and water. Proceed to use the removing tool, carefully following the instructions.

Wash your face and rinse with water. Do not bother to dry it. Take a quarter-sized amount of facial scrub and lather through clean hands. Massage your face with the scrub to exfoliate the skin. Rinse and wash face again if necessary.

Only use the strips once a week. Don%26#039;t keep the strips on for longer than ten minutes. Otherwise, the adhesive will stick to your nose, and will not remove the blackheads. Try not to touch your face. It%26#039;s a hard habit to break, but dirt, oil, and germs will get into your face and block your pores.

Be careful when removing nose strips; they can create spider veins around the nose, if pulled too hard. Do not use a facial scrub if you have other bad acne -- it could spread the acne and make it worse.|||usually make up will eventually make it worse.

try Neutrogena, or anything that tingles, because it usually works. You will break out at first, but it basically pulls all the extra oils out of your skin, and then it should start clearing up.

they also have like, little blackhead tape, that can pull them out, but it doesnt permanently get rid of them.|||Maybe you should try a Dermatologist|||if you don%26#039;t have one already, try a healthier diet|||I don%26#039;t know, but I did have blackheads galore (I mean, I couldn%26#039;t even count them, it was that bad) when I was a teenager. They went away with time. Those nose strips never worked for me :(|||The are several products to fade scars and there are lazer treatement that will take care of small scares. Do no use make up, that will plug your pores. You really need to see a skin doctor, they have alot of new stuff to help you look your best|||I have the same problem and the same olive toned skin. I recently started using Neutrogena Clear Pore Cleanser/Mask (2 in 1) and it is starting to work for me. Although it is doing nothing for my scars, it does make them slightly lighter becasue it has benzyl peroxide.

I wash my face twice a day with the cleanser method, and onece a week I use the mask method. I can really see a difference!

Good luck.

For the scars, I plan on having laser resurfacing done or microderm abrassion...I just have to save up for it first.|||Those pore strips never worked for me either. i%26#039;ve been trying to get rid of my black heads too. if you find anything that works let me know. i exfoliate too but that doesn%26#039;t get rid of them and on my nose when i wear makeup my pores look big and horrible.

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