Wednesday, December 30, 2009

How To Get Ride Of Scars On Your Arms?

Hiya, i was wondering if anyone knew any natural remedies or products

that help to get rid of scaring, as i fell off my bike 2years ago and

had a deep cut from it, its heeled, BUT the scar is still there,

i hate it, cos i can%26#039;t wear short sleeves, its looks horrid...

Can Anyone Help...Thank you!!|||You can purchase a product called Bio-Oil, they are quite pricey but you could get them for a reasonable price in a local store like %26#039;Savers, Superdrugs, Boots etc%26#039;

Its a great product and can get rid of scars, stretch marks and can even skin tone.

I use this and my skin has improved as a recently had a scare on my face, but after using this product the scar vanished within a week of daily usage both morning and night.

Good Luck

Hope this helped|||creams, ointments and scare sheets can remove scars but are quite expensive

Go see a dermatologist if you want to get rid of scars

companies like neosporin can get rid of scars up to a point

mederma can help get rid of scars

Alpha hydroxy skin treatment can help get rid of scars

good luck

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