Saturday, December 26, 2009

I wanna be a flight attendant but I have a lot of scars on my legs.?

I wanna be an F.A. but the thing is that I got a lot of scars on my legs.I heard that its one of their critiria to have a flawless skin.Should I stop from obtaining my dream and lot for another career of should I still go on,coz I%26#039;m planning to apply for a cabin crew course next month.|||Hi,

I am a flight attendant and I have Psoriasis on both my elbows and knees. As long as you are upfront about it I think you should be fine. I was intimidated at first becuase of the stereotype that all flight attendants are perfect everything, but I spoke frankly with my CA manager and she could not have been nicer about it.

My uniform requires me to wear stockings/panty hose which covers my skin condition to a certain degree- but I have also altered my uniform, with my Cabin Attendant Manangers approval, so that I am able to cover up.

I know exactly where you are coming from with this, and believe me I thought that I would not be allowed to work as cabin attendant because of it.

But if you think about it- your scars do not impair you work, or hinder your ability to do your job so they would not have any grounds for not hiring you (Provided you meet their other criteria)

I hope that this has helped you in some way- and I just wanted to let you know that you are not the only one out there! Good luck with your course!|||By all means apply; you never know what the result could be. You could always wear skin-coloured stockings over them.|||apply! go for it!!

for the scars, you could try a moisteriser with Vitamin E.

usually flight attendants wear tights anyway.

they can%26#039;t reject you just because of your legs.

good luck!

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