Saturday, December 26, 2009

Do any current on the market acne products eliminate scars?

I%26#039;ve tried clearasil and neutrogena scar care products, but they aren%26#039;t really doing it for me. Is there a cheap and easy way to go about this?|||Here are some links that can help you. =)

Non-Surgical Treatments:鈥?/a>

Surgical and Laser Treatments:鈥?/a>|||you can get them removed w lasers. go to a dermo!|||Acne scar treatment鈥?/a>|||U CAN REMOVE UR SCAR BY WILLPOWER|||There is no cheap way. U need to go to a beauty center or a dermatologist to make a chemical peeling or laser. these are effective , store products are of no use.

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