Wednesday, December 30, 2009

How to get rid of scars?

I%26#039;ve read that the scar skin needs to heal. And to wash it so it prevents having pimples near the area. What does this mean? How do I do it? I%26#039;ve gotten a scar by popping a pimple, the straightening my hair and accidentally burnt my pimple. how do I fix this problem? I need home remedies. Oh and I%26#039;ve had this scar for a year and a half!|||palmers cocoa butter works for my acne scars.. but you gotta give it time though till you notice complete results (: and my mom always swears by mederma but ive never tried it so i dunno lol|||First of all,

Do not pop/squeeze the acne. This will

only make your skin look worse.

Our finger tips have oils on them naturally.

So putting your fingers on your face is not


I had a friend who encountered this problem

%26amp; her home remedy was a lemon.

All you do is cut the lemon in 1/2, then

rub the lemon on your face.

It worked for her like a gem.

For scars: you can use all natural Aloe Vera.

I grow it in my backyard %26amp; I use it for a face

mask. Works like, I went to a day spa !

Then I follow up with a non-greasy facial


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