Saturday, December 26, 2009

Where in Orlando can I get help to reduce acne scars?

I live in Orlando and have bad acne scars, my dermatologist can%26#039;t help, where should I go?|||Scars are often a painful way to remind one of their past, and acne scars often plague adults-now there is a safe way to get up to an 80% reduction in scars. The Palomar 1540 Fractional Resurfacing will visibly reduce your scars in less than 3 treatments on average. These safe and effective treatments utilize micro-beams of light to create columns of coagulated tissue within the Dermis (the second layer of the skin) to form new healthy tissue, stimulate collagen, and stimulate elastyn to naturally resurface the skin. Palomar Fractional is patented to penetrate deeper than Fraxel for a more significant result. This treatment works on any scar and is also great for wrinkles.

Winter Park Laser is a medi-spa in ORLANDO that offers fractional skin resurfacing along with free consultations. Winter Park Laser is a medi-spa in ORLANDO located at 610 N wymore rd. Winter Park FL. Go to for more information.

|||Hey Jennifer....

Honestly if your doctor can%26#039;t or refuses to help you, you should probably try another dermatologist in Orlando. This is especially true if you have truly bad acne scars.

Most people who have mild to moderate acne scars consider them bad as well. You probably only really need a dermatologist if you have truly bad acne scars.

However, if you%26#039;re suffering from any sort of discolored skin, you could treat that on your own, instead of going to a dermatologist who will probably charge you thousands of dollars. The first guy who answered your question recommended a treatment option that will likely cost you $10,000 plus. Probably not what you%26#039;d like to do.

Try some otc fade creams first, and perhaps a retinol cream (both can be picked up from your local wal-mart. Use them consistently and take pictures!). If your scars are deeper, there are some peels that could work to gradually restore smoothness to your skin.

If these don%26#039;t work, try Obagi. I%26#039;ve used it for years and it works great!

Only use laser procedures as a last result.

For some more information, check out this site. It%26#039;s really helpful if you%26#039;re suffering from discoloration and shallow scarring:|||Im not sure how this would work for you, but i would constantly get redish marks after pimples that just would never fade. I did some research and found mario badescu whitening mask, it worked MIRACLES for me, and ive tried all kinds of products, from acne scarring peels to those hypo-scrubs. Ive not liked anything else from them, but the mask is very well prices, works quickly, and if u fill out the questionnaire u get TONS of free samples with ur order!

good luck!

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