Tuesday, December 22, 2009

What are some ways to prevent getting crater-like scars on your face due to acne?

are there also some ways to fix it?|||Dont pick at the pimples. Thats what causes them. Dont over was your face. If you want them to go away make sure your not over drying your face with facial wash. I use this product called Arbonne it workd really well heres the number for the company (847) 526-1355 Her name is Sue McGlade. This is a real number and person. She can help you with your problem.|||to prevent the scars - tissue oil, but its really expensive. I started putting Vaseline (original) on my face. To me its like a cheap but better tissue oil. Just don%26#039;t put too much and rather put it on when you go to sleep... and it%26#039;s not that oily, the next morning there will be nothing oily left. Just try it?|||Don%26#039;t squeeze bumps or pick at your face. Clean your skin well and use a hot clean wet towel when a bump has %26quot; come to a head%26quot; Use toner on your skin to close the poores and keep it clean. Don%26#039;t touch your face with unwashed hands. Eat a healthy diet and drink lots of water for smooth complextion.|||Directly rub potato slices all over the face and wash after 30 minutes this when done regularly , helps to get rid of acne, blemishes and pimple scar. Check out http://useinfo-acne.blogspot.com/ for more useful info.

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