Tuesday, December 22, 2009

How do you get rid of acne scars?

i have a lot of acne scars on my chin and they wont leave no matter what i do! I have already tried bio oil for a little while but it didnt work and i heard about lemon juice so i used that once but i wasnt really sure about it so if anyone can help me thanks!|||Give up on the facial products. They don%26#039;t work. Eat more fruits and take in more vitamin C. The skin of an apple is great for your skin.|||How do acne scars develop?

If your acne pimple gets inflamed or doesn%26#039;t heal properly, healthy skin can be damaged underneath the pimple. This damaged skin is replaced when the body produces new tissue fibres (scar tissue).

Treatment methods

Laser resurfacing - This is a relatively new procedure and involves using a carbon dioxide laser to burn away damaged skin. The penetration depth is accurately controlled. As this damaged skin is removed, new skin cells develop and within a few weeks the patient should see a much smoother complexion.

Dermabrasion - A small rotating wire brush or a spinning diamond instrument is used to remove the layers of damaged skin. When this area starts healing, smoother and younger skin will appear.

Chemical peel - an acidic solution is used to peel away the damaged skin which is replaced by new skin within a few weeks. Solutions range from mild to deep penetration and although some can be administered at home, it would be a good idea to get your dermatologist to apply it.

Punch graphs - Usually reserved for deep acne scars, this procedure involves punching out the scar, taking a replacement plug from an inconspicuous area (behind the ear, for example) and using it to replace the damaged area.|||Don%26#039;t wash your face with soapy water, wash it in the morning and night with halfhearted salted water. Soap is a drying agent and may worsen the acne, while halfhearted salted water may help remove oils without drying the skin. The basic target of any natural remedy is to skin off the maltreated skin layer and then nurture the skin to its revive point. Prepare a mix by trying 2 small spoon full of filtered water and one spoon full of baking soda.|||I had the same problem. There is a lot of junk out there - but I found this stuff that got rid of my

acne in 3 days..... Here is the review I found on it..

webreviewpanel.com/index.php?id=75|||Laser surgery. Ask a dermatologist if you don%26#039;t want to do laser surgery.|||You could try moisturizing the area daily.|||bio oil

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